What would it be like, if we’d come tog­e­ther to grow and bloom?

Eng­lish Ver­si­on YAYA Work­shop with Shahed Mass­je­di und Gîn Bali  We are not safe. The rea­li­ties of life of peo­p­le from sup­po­sedly simi­lar or iden­ti­cal com­mu­ni­ties are so dif­fe­rent that out­si­ders often do not per­cei­ve. We would like to share our very dif­fe­rent per­spec­ti­ves on our cir­cum­s­tances as non-white peo­p­le in a white majo­ri­ty socie­ty in a … What would it be like, if we’d come tog­e­ther to grow and bloom? weiterlesen