End­an­ge­red Species

Eng­lish Ver­si­on End­an­ge­red Spe­ci­es is a gesamt­kunst­werk that intert­wi­nes the effects of cli­ma­te chan­ge and decli­ning bio­di­ver­si­ty on the envi­ron­ment and human exis­tence, with the deve­lo­p­ments, phi­­lo­­so- phies, spi­ri­tua­li­ties, of the queer/trans black/person of color throug­hout human civi­liza­ti­on. By refe­ren­cing and lin­king the signi­fi­can­ce of the bio­di­ver­se in natu­re to the signi­fi­can­ce of the bio- diver­se … End­an­ge­red Spe­ci­es weiterlesen